Epro 8 Challenge

Epro 8 Challenge


On Monday morning we were sent 6 big boxes by Room 8 for a challenge. Mr Bell, Our teacher introduced us to a challenge named Epro 8. It is an engineering challenge that helps kids build things and understand how some things work. Every student received a booklet for instructions for our projects on what we’re working on. 

Our first project was about building a box by watching a tutorial video. The class was split into 4 groups that Mr Bell thought they would work well with. Our first project is building a box with the tools and equipment and using teamwork to complete this task. Our project was one of the first to be finished and successful. 

The next day we were learning about building a hut by only making it by ourselves. It was a tricky project but still fun to learn. We would only follow the measurements on the booklet then do the rest on our own. We put extra sticks and joiners to make it more secure. I thought our team would make it the best.

Others had different ideas and had so much creativity with their hut. We put cardboard boxes on top as a roof for if the hurricane came. The next day we were building a dump truck. It was hard for us to build the tray behind it and make it flip since it had to dump things like dirt. I liked building it because it taught my team how some things work. 

That was our last project and we learned to measure toys. I liked this challenge because it was unimaginable and important for us to help human society in the future and could fix problems that come ahead of us.


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