Year: 2022

Basket Ball P.E

We lined up in a line and walked down to the bottom court and started our P.E session. We all got Basket balls and did some practice around the court. Coach Trey told us to gather around and put the Basket balls back in the net bag. We played Bulldogs which are similar to Octopus and Bull rush, but we have to  bounce the ball in order to get to the other side without the ball being taken by the opponent. There were only boys left because they were too fast and too tricky.

Our next game was where we separated into 2 teams. The Number 1 team lines up with one basketball and the Number 2 team goes in a circle and passes the ball and counts how many they pass to each person.  Number 1 does a lap around the circle and counts how many laps each person made. People swap sides and whoever gets the most points passing it in a circle under the time limit will win!

Kaitiakitanga Adventure!

In class a guy called Chris Judd and he said our subject was about pests and predators and a little bit about nature. He showed us some traps and explained about them.

The bus arrived and everyone got in a line, everyone started walking towards the gate and entered the bus. Everyone was talking until we arrived at Cornwall Park.

My friends and I looked at the amazing view. We saw sheeps everywhere and their poop smells horrible. When we arrived at our destination we split into two groups and had supervisors named Lisa and Charlie.

We explored and talked about trees and pests. There was a little box called the weta/cricket hotel. We saw poisonous traps because they are used for killing or trapping pests or predators. We switched groups but instead my group went with an Auckland Council member, Chris Judd.

Chris and our group went for a walk and explained deeper into trees and traps. It was fun because he would tell us where the traps were and we had to spot them. We spotted this bird and it had a pukeko-like head and a chicken body and it moved like a chicken.

Chris gave us binoculars to have a better look at trees. When the other group arrived we laid the mat and took out our lunches and had a lovely picnic. We played games such as snakes and ladders. The bus picked us up and went to school with a smile on our faces.

Chris Judd Came on the bus with us and gave us this thing called a tracking tunnel. He gave us a tracking card which had ink in the middle and he said it was best recommended to put peanut butter in the middle of the tracking card.  



Laura Afoa’s Fish

Today I did the Cybersmart Challenge 7. The Challenge was about making a scene underwater with Google drawing. It was super fun making it. I used my creative brain and put some details on to make it more interesting. I put a photo of a Diver  of them looking for seafood, and fishes with beautiful orange scales and one with a black and white hat, If I do it next time I could be more creative!

By, Laura

Cricket Game⚾

At School my class and I went to the field to play cricket. Our coach taught us new games and one of them was called “Power Play.” We had to spread into  two teams only and throw the ball under our arms. Each team is in a square and you need one ball. It was so much fun and my team had lost almost all the rounds but I enjoyed it so much.

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