Basket Ball P.E

We lined up in a line and walked down to the bottom court and started our P.E session. We all got Basket balls and did some practice around the court. Coach Trey told us to gather around and put the Basket balls back in the net bag. We played Bulldogs which are similar to Octopus and Bull rush, but we have to  bounce the ball in order to get to the other side without the ball being taken by the opponent. There were only boys left because they were too fast and too tricky.

Our next game was where we separated into 2 teams. The Number 1 team lines up with one basketball and the Number 2 team goes in a circle and passes the ball and counts how many they pass to each person.  Number 1 does a lap around the circle and counts how many laps each person made. People swap sides and whoever gets the most points passing it in a circle under the time limit will win!

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